Hello Everyone!
Bebe and Cece here checking in! Please don't be angry at us for not updating in awhile; our paws have not stopped running. It's amazing all the things that can happen in just one month and we can't wait to fill you in!
Bebe and Cece started the month with a little trip to Florida! The best part? Of course was getting to see their sister, Gidget! Isn't family the key to a happy life?
After some much needed bonding time, they headed to Dr. Boin's office for a nice and quick check - up! Bebe's not a huge fan of the place but Cece is always there to look out for her big sister.
Don't be afraid, Bebe! Cece is never too far away for support!
What Bebe and Cece were NOT expecting this month was a trip to the dentist! The puparazzi even found them looking a bit like two young Hollywood stars after a long night on the town!
Our gorgeous spokesdoggies deliberated a lot about showing you these pictures, but they wanted to remind pet owners how important it is to make sure your pet's teeth are nice and healthy! Our heroes!
Now with April coming to a close, Bebe and Cece couldn't be happier. They're spending some time relaxing while running some errands with Bobbi (with their gorgeous clean teethed selves) and hope you are too! Between all the things we have to do and should do, please always remember to take care of yourself along the way.
Until next time!
With love - Bebe and Cece